On Friday November 1st, 2019, the bargaining committee met with a conciliator and the City of St. John’s. The city presented its final offer which the bargaining committee reviewed and responded to. The City rejected our response and were not willing to continue conciliation. The City then requested their final offer be presented to the membership no later than November 15th.
Due to the tight time line the bargaining committee requested Monday November 18th and the City agreed. Therefore, on November 18th the bargaining committee will present the City’s final offer to the membership for review, discussion, questions and then a vote. In order to accommodate as many people as possible two meetings will be held, one at 2:00 PM and the other at 5:30 PM. Both meetings will take place on the first floor of the Knights of Columbus on St. Clare Ave.
Please make every effort to attend one of these sessions and cast your vote.